Daily Bookmarks 01/22/2007

Web-Based Distance Learning Technology: Interface Design Variables and their Effects

  • Research report on user perceptions of  various interface designs for web modules. Reactions were rated on “simplicity, visual attractiveness, organization, clarity, and excitement.” – post by christyinsdesign

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. – American Journal of Distance Education – 20(3):163 – Abstract  Annotated(1)

    The study showed no difference in information recall between the different module lengths and formats; however, as module length increased, participants were more likely to not complete the modules.

    Mimicking Proximity: The Role of Distance Education in Forming Communities of Learning

    • Research on community, interaction, social spaces, and communication in distance learning.
       – post by christyinsdesign

    Using Google Notebook, Google Reader, and Firefox  Annotated(2)

    • Wes Fryer summarizes the uses of Google Notebook, Google Reader, and Firefox. Specifically, he talks about the educational research applications of Google Notebook.
       – post by christyinsdesign

    You can also limit who gets to view a notebook by selecting different email addresses. This could be beneficial in a classroom context, when a student just wants to share access to their notebook with a few partners and the teacher, but not the entire class or the world.

    Overall, however, I am VERY impressed with the Google Notebook tool and the possibilities it presents! I think it has HUGE applications for educational research, particularly because it permits such easy harvesting of links, quotations, and images with the date and originating URL/website included in the notebook clipping.

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