Daily Bookmarks 08/17/2008

  • Natalie Kilkenny writes about how much more productive she is as a telecommuter than working in a cube farm and answers the question “How do they know that you’re working when they can’t see you?”

    tags: telecommuting, career, productivity

  • An answer to the question “What is Connectivism?” Rather than going for a fixed definition within the framework of a learning theory, the author argues that connectivism is an emerging concept best understood by looking at how it connects to other ideas and theories. The central metaphor of the network is the unifying element of connectivism.

    tags: connectivism, cck08, learning, networks

    • Downes’ and Siemens’ discussions shed new light on fundamental concepts, such as rules versus patterns, complicated vs. complex, equivalence vs. similarity, and coping with ambiguity and uncertainty. And these consideration render many entrenched practices of the entire knowledge industry questionable.

      All these aspects have one thing in common: that they can be illustrated by the neuronal metaphor, the metaphor of a network with nodes and connections, where

      “Not all connections are of equal strength in this metaphor” (Wikipedia)

    • So, connectivism and its neuronal connections metaphor, allow to distinguish more clearly between two types of knowledge, one of which is the more adequate one for coping with complexity and uncertainty: connective knowledge.

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