Daily Bookmarks 09/04/2007

2¢ Worth » Teachers & Technology — a rant!  Annotated

  • David Warlick rants about teachers who are too afraid to even try to learn new technology. He also talks about creating concrete applications for technology–not just thinking about how education should change, but doing something about it.
     – post by christyinsdesign

For several years, many of us have been trying to make a case for thinking about education in new ways, largely as a result of technological advancements and their affects on how we use information.  I think that many education leaders are listening now.  I think that they are ready for clear images and stories about 21st century classrooms and what teachers and students should be doing to better prepare a generation of new century citizens.
I almost lost it when I read, in Cheryl Oats’ comment, “..someone told me they didn’t want to learn one more new thing, they didn’t like new things..“  I would want to ask, “You call yourself a teacher?”  Who more than teachers should be willing and eager to learn new things?

NKY.Com – Teacher adapts to technology  Annotated

  • A teacher started using a Smartboard due to a disability but has discovered that the technology has improved his teaching as well. Too bad the article doesn’t go into more detail about how he has changed his teaching methods.
     – post by christyinsdesign

“The creativity it brings to all of us is remarkable,” said Schlachter, who teaches fourth- and fifth-graders at St. Catherine of Siena School. “I’m
teaching in a totally different way as a result.”

Art for our sake – The Boston Globe

  • An argument for including the arts in education not because the courses raise standardized test scores, but because of the innovation, analysis, persistence, envisioning and other skills students develop through learning art, music, drama, and dance. (Registration required to read the full article)

     – post by christyinsdesign

“Teachers in our study told students not to worry about mistakes, but instead to let mistakes lead to unexpected discoveries.”
“We don’t need the arts in our schools to raise mathematical and
verbal skills – we already target these in math and language arts. We need the arts because in addition to introducing students to aesthetic
appreciation, they teach other modes of thinking we value. For students living in a rapidly changing world, the arts teach vital modes of seeing, imagining, inventing, and thinking.”

edublogs: The cult of the amateur and how internet changes our culture  Annotated

  • Summary of Andrew Keen & David Weinberger’s continuing debate on the Cult of the Amateur, with Ewan’s own ideas about the nature of expertise in a connected culture.
     – post by christyinsdesign

Heck, as an absolute amateur in everything I do I’ve noticed that, in this day and age, being expert is not about getting more and more knowledgeable about a narrower and narrower field. It’s all about being as clued up on the reasoning behind a wider and wider range of fields. Expertise has been redefined. It’s just that academics like Keen have trouble swallowing it. There, folks, is the real digital divide.

Artichoke: The other is a cheaper thing, but the moths get into it.

  • Looking at blog comments as continuing conversation, with a draft rubric for self-assessment of blog comments. The rubric doesn’t cover all kinds of comments, and I think perhaps it focuses too much on types of comments rather than the quality and/or appropriateness of the comments in a particular situation. This could still be a good guide for to help students craft substantive comments though.
     – post by christyinsdesign

2 thoughts on “Daily Bookmarks 09/04/2007

  1. I can see how your rubric works in that specific situation to meet that goal. I think (like all rubrics) that they’d have to be customized to different situations. It’s a nice starting point though, and it’s an example definitely worth sharing with others.

    For the one course I’ve developed where blogs are used, we used the existing rubric for discussion board replies. In many respects, the comments serve a similar purpose as replies in a discussion board, so it made sense for what we were doing. That’s a very generic rubric though, and it doesn’t encourage the same kind of depth of responses as yours does with the higher types.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Christy – I think you are right about the limiting effect of introducing the Bonk and Kim categories but the examples do help students (primary and secondary at least) better imagine what different blogging comments might look like/sound like. The quality comes from the SOLO levels – and I didn’t elaborate on these in the draft – I think they would answer your critique

    A unistructural multistructural response simply brings in ideas – the define, list, label, name, describe, identify – kind of stuff

    A relational response links ideas – a response that puts ideas in a sequence, classifies, makes comparisons, determines causes, analyses – (part whole)- explanation stuff

    An extended abstract response would take these linked ideas into another context – form generalisations, evaluate, imagine something new, form predictions, include personal reflections, justify, create something new – – the discussion stuff

    We work with quite young kids in New Zealand so we do help them with scaffolding written responses, formal writing, persuasive writing etc – I was trying to see if a self assessment rubric could help them craft blog comments

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