Daily Bookmarks 12/04/2009

  • Karl Kapp revisits the value of instructional design degrees, arguing that people who accidentally find themselves in the field should decline to develop learning until they’ve been trained. Karl also identifies what he feels is the most important skill instructional designers should have.

    tags: instructionaldesign, career

    • So, to me, the most important skill an instructional designer can have is being able to apply instructional strategies. To know when to use a mnemonic and when to use an analogy. When to model the behavior to be learned and when to provide a check list. When Constructivism is a good theorietical underpinning for a topic and when a Cognitivism-based approach is necessary.

      Instructional designers add value by serving as catalyst who accelerate the process of learning for individuals.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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