Weekly Bookmarks (4/8/12)

  • Questions to ask during the needs analysis phase, in three categories: learning, learners, and logistics. Some additional questions are in the comments, including some good questions about consequences for performance (very helpful, especially for developing scenarios).

    tags: instructionaldesign e-learning analysis

  • According to this survey, rethinking pedagogy for online takes longer than learning technology. Developing online courses does take longer, especially the first time, but as faculty gain experience, they become more efficient.

    tags: e-learning instructionaldesign highered teaching vILT

    • In Freeman’s research, it appears that it takes an instructor a little longer to figure out what they want to do with the course pedagogically than to become comfortable with the technology.

      “That’s one of the biggest things, that the technological learning curve is shorter than the pedagogical learning curve,” Freeman says. “The technology’s not the problem. It’s not what’s making people take longer when they teach.”

    • Freeman was able to demonstrate that, once past the first online course, there is a significant reduction of instructor time. This leads him to believe that much of the complaint of excessive time consumption probably comes from the first-time experience.
    • Freeman’s data doesn’t challenge the assumption that it takes longer to develop an online course than a face-to-face course. What he has established is that the teaching, as well as the development, become less time consuming, and that that change can come as early as the second or third time out.
  • Useful advanced searches for Remember the Milk (to do list), all of which can be saved as Smart Lists

    tags: productivity howto

    • Recently completed:
      completedWithin:”1 week of today”
  • Recap of two LSCON presentations, one on scenario-based learning and the other on limiting choices to avoid choice overload

    tags: e-learning instructionaldesign scenarios

    • One of the practical things I took from this session is that she writes the scenario’s out divided in 5 elements:

        1. The tasks that you need to be able to perform
        2. The procedures you need to know
        3. The tools that you have to use
        4. The knowledge you need to have
        5. The performance you have to deliver

      A very helpful scheme to use when you set up a scenario based learning experience. She starts out with a global storyline and character description, than she defines a sequence of events that contain a number of action points. She divides the scenario into smaller parts each containing a few action points. She only scores on action points and on good choice.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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