Welcome New Readers!

I’m so excited about the increase in traffic on this site in the last few days. Obviously, my Helping Non-Techies Understand Blogging post has resonated with a number of people. I’ve had 56 views for that post so far. OK, that’s a tiny number in comparison to the big time bloggers, but for me, that’s fabulous! The next most popular post for the last month only had 19 views, with 17 at the third most popular.

What is even more exciting is the number of feed subscriptions though. The WordPress stats show 45 readers for 3/26/07. In February, I averaged 3.25 feeds per day and 9 views per day. The subscriptions really make me feel like I’m adding value to the conversations, more than just the page views. If you’re subscribing, it means you found something here that was good enough for you to want to read more in the future. I know that you’re busy and have lots of pressures on your time, but the fact that you’ve added me to your reading list makes me feel pretty darn good.

So welcome to all the people who have recently found me, and for those few who have been around a bit longer. I suppose at some point perhaps these stats won’t be quite so exciting, but right now, every view, comment, and trackback is just so cool!

Besides, if Intellagirl at Second Life Education Research can cheer that she has been bookmarked over 100 times on del.icio.us, I should be able to do a little blog happy dance myself, right?

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